In my line of work you get a lot, and I mean a LOT of requests for samples from moms who write blogs. Mostly they are vehicles for reviewing and pitching baby gear, which has its place I’m sure, and is an important part of my business, but they are certainly not what one would call brain food. Then there are the many, many, many blogs of the “Johnny pooped on the potty today” variety, a remarkable number of which make it into fairly mainstream lists of mommy blogs to follow. Surely there are quite a few moms out there in desperate need of some meaningful volunteer opportunities.

So it’s always great to stumble across a blog like that of Rachel Sarah, called Single Mom Seeking. Thoughtful, smart and on target, Rachel tackles the big issues (her post on the recent Supreme Court decision about the right to own guns was spot on), but she clearly also knows how to have a good time. You don’t have to be single to appreciate her sharp take on the many issues that touch parents’ lives, and I expect she has fans of all varieties. She’s written a book too, also called Single Mom Seeking. Judging by her blog, it’s going to the top of my list of gifts to give to single mom friends.

Single Mom Seeking, Rachel Sarah

Single Mom Seeking, Rachel Sarah